Wednesday, August 3, 2016

a message from mama

it's been a while since i've written on this blog primarily because i've taken to dispersing my thoughts over twitter in an exercise in self-restraint & concision as opposed to periodically dumping vast (entirely unsought) heaps of self-indulgence and aggrandizement every 10 months or so, an act which carries some theoretical resemblance to unloading a overcooked fetus who has spent an extra month in the womb to develop such unwanted & obnoxious qualities as irony, self-deprecation, and relentlessly flowery language. i suppose it is better than a premature runny fetus that cries just as loud as a normal baby but without any of the endearing qualities (like skin) so maybe i will stick to my schedule or find a healthy in-between. i already suspect my urge to post on here has some tie to my hormonal waves as i find myself gravitating towards in the lonely, weightless summer months.
but i've decided to squeeze out another blog post that hopefully does in fact grow past infancy unlike maybe previous endeavors. in some ways maybe a test to see if my voice has changed or my scope has widened since last year when i sent out my initial posts... maybe optimistic and naive as a quick glance among the archives will display... which is humbling, last year there was an unfortunate dash of tongue-in-cheekness about the voice i was using & self-parody & pitchfork-parody that i've made some executive decisions about and plan to shave off a few of those extraneous layers.

a frightening and controversial privilege that blogspot grants me, i've discovered, is the ability to take complete control of each aspect of the site, including the date that marks each post which mostly is an  inadvertent encouragement for revisionism. a striking post-millenial dictatorship has now been constituted and there is nothing you can do to halt the regime from reporting consistency in the frequency of my posts— so hypothetically i could have written the bulk of the posts you see in a manic 24-hour period and then assigned them arbitrary dates throughout the past two years— so those looking back on this blog will notice only 2-month intervals between each post, as opposed to the natal 9-month absences. if i were to take advantage of this there would be very little reason to believe i do not have a productive and professional work ethic and so when i inevitably send this blog out to my future employers and teachers, they will have hope in their hearts, minds, and souls.

in conclusion,
one other post on this blog was written along with this one but then scattered throughout the rest & hiding under the guise of an older date and the only way for you to discover which one is to undergo intense analytical research on the evolution of my writing style and figure it out from there

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Three EPs by The Beta Band

it's been close to 6 months since i last wrote here but ive filled unreasonable amounts of paper with drafts. this is why twitter exists, i now understand— to create a forum in which the lazy or feeble-fingered can express themselves as they would on a blog but in a considerably less formal and less daunting setting. that's nice, right? so imagine how fucked & meglomaniacal to have both a blog and a twitter? as if your short spurts of identity-driven detritus aren't enough to establish your character? as if you feel the need to elaborate even further?

that's horrifying.

i expected a lot of ground to be covered during winter break and that's regarding both the unseasonable weather (lack of snow) as well as artistic productivity, and in both instances i was kicked in the face repeatedly by disappointment: i got very little done over the past 2 weeks. finally snow has appeared on the ground (even though actual snowfall still seems impossible) and though it's bitterly cold the sun shines through. it's crisp and biting outside but comfort can be found within blankets, sleep, and a faded, murky, lo-fi drum break that spins around aimlessly until that fragile slide guitar falls into place on top. "dry the rain" received its fair share of love by 10000 forty-yr-old white dude art teachers 15 years ago when high fidelity came out & while the genius of that EP comp is best distilled in its opening track (minimal but memorable rrangements, unorthodox structures, deadpan vocals, catchy melodies, and textural experimentation) it happens to extend far beyond that. or at least gets explored more. the beta band, like their triphop & disco forerunners, build up their tracks slowly— the difference is that they still manage to be home stereo listening by earning their slow-burning.... take notes SUN ARAW!!! I'M OUT FOR BLOOD!!! AGAINST THIS PSEUDO-SPITIUAL MACROBIOTIC DUB FUCKERY!!!!