can you name another song with the "jungle beats! holla at me" tag that is NOT "hot n****"? of course not. in this sense it's a producer's tag that has achieved the exact opposite: instead of iconography and glory, or even ubiquity, it has become singular to the shmurda song. it is effectively a song tag, indicating not that the following song was produced by "jungle beats" but that the following song is "hot n****" by bobby shmurda.
the tag is a pretty good tag too, especially immediately preceded by the record slow-down right before. the onus is on jungle beats to have established himself as a producer (& tagger) outside of this song. googling "jungle beats holla at me" will reveal, to absolute shock, that we have collectively misheard the tag, and the producer, jahlil beats, has actually worked his ass off. here is a video of him casually flipping back thru the rolodex of his masterpieces.
"tagging" ones work is real interesting, intentionally branding it at the expense of quality... we are OK with this in rap, we
in architecture, buildings are commissioned as stamps of taste: architects are sought after for their signature style. think chandigarh. think that guy in my hometown folding those hideous futurist disasters together like crumpled metal tissues.
decisions like this have dictated the landscape around me!!
unless you have grown up in close proximity to the undisturbed, natural earth, you likely understand the developed world to be Just the Way it Is. i grew up far enough away from untilled soil that entering a wild nonhuman space was entering an entirely different universe, at complete odds with my known world. so i understood the buildings of chicago to be facets of the world, like these skyscrapes emerged from the earth, these alleys were carved into the stone, these river channels and trees snaked their way through the sidewalks on their own. it didnt occur to me until walking around providence that people actually built all this shit: like, stood on a dirtpile and gathered rocks and built it. made decisions.
that is bonkers.
i love you!